[asac] [Fwd: ASAC Meeting in October]

Leonardo Testi lt at arcetri.astro.it
Wed Jul 13 19:26:16 EDT 2005

Hi all,
   Alejandra Araya (aaraya at alma.cl) in Santiago will help us with the 
logistics of our meeting on Oct 1-2. Please send her your expected 
travel dates for the hotel reservation (let us know if you are unable to 
come and, in case, whether you will be able to connect via videocon). 
Below is the list of people I do expect to be present, please let me 
know if I had forgotten anybody.


PS. Consider full-day meeting on both Oct 1 and 2, which probably means
     that you will have to fly in on Sep 30, but may be able to escape on
     Oct 2 if you find a late evening flight (certainly not europeans, I
     am afraid).

List of attendees for the 2005 Oct 1-2 ASAC meeting in Santiago

EU Members
Leonardo Testi    - lt at arcetri.astro.it
Ewine van Dishoek - ewine at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Jose Cernicharo   - cerni at damir.iem.csic.es
Peter Schilke     - schilke at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
John Richer       - jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk

NA Members
Christine Wilson  - wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Chris Carilli     - ccarilli at aoc.nrao.edu
Jean Turner       - turner at astro.ucla.edu
Andrew Blain      - awb at astro.caltech.edu
Lee Mundy         - lgm at astro.umd.edu

J Members
Munetake Momose   - momose at mx.ibaraki.ac.jp
Satoshi Yamamoto  - yamamoto at taurus.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Yasuo Fukui       - fukui at a.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp

C Member
Diego Mardones    - mardones at das.uchile.cl

Ex Officio
Al Wootten        - awootten at nrao.edu
Tom Wilson        - twilson at eso.org
Ryohei Kawabe     - kawabe at nro.nao.ac.jp

Massimo Tarenghi  - mtarengh at alma.cl
Tony Beasley      - tbeasley at alma.cl
Rick Murowinski   - Richard.Murowinski at alma.cl
Regional Managers ? - TBC

Dave Silva        - dsilva at eso.org
Robert Laing      - rlaing at eso.org
Susanne Aalto     - susanne at gymer.oso.chalmers.se

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	ASAC Meeting in October
Date: 	Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:14:55 -0400
From: 	Alejandra Araya <aaraya at alma.cl>
Organization: 	Joint ALMA Office
To: 	lt at arcetri.astro.it
CC: 	Massimo Tarenghi <mtarengh at alma.cl>

Dear Mr. Testi,

As per Massimo Tarenghi's request, I am contacting you in regards to the
upcoming ASAC Committee Meeting, to be held in Santiago-Chile, on
October 1st and 2nd this year.

Massimo has asked me to contact you in order to start organizing the
logistics for this event, and to provide my assistance on anything you
may need from our end.  I am currently blocking tentative rooms at a
Hotel, so it would be great to hear how many participants you are
expecting to confirm these reservations.  In the case you have
designated somebody else to coordinate this meeting, please provide me
with the name of that person.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could copy me on any information
you may have for this meeting, and again, please do not hesitate to
contact me in case you need my assistance.

Best regards,

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