[asac] Re: Pan-ALMA science meeting ASAC report

Rafael Bachiller r.bachiller at oan.es
Fri Feb 25 08:09:03 EST 2005

Dear Chris,

many thanks for the report. So we (SOC/LOC) will start with the organization 
details promptly. However, the first date you propose (Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2006)
seems complicated because Nov 1 is a holiday in Spain, so lunch at the
CSIC and any other logistic support will not be available. 

So we very much prefer Nov 13- 16.  

Best regards,


| Rafael Bachiller                 | Email: r.bachiller at oan.es    |
| Director                         |                              |
| Observatorio Astronomico Nacional| http://www.oan.es            |
| c/ Alfonso XII,3                 | Phone: +34.91.885.5060 and 61|
| E-28014 Madrid, Spain            | Fax:   +34.91.885.5062       |

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