[asac] January meeting

John Richer jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Thu Dec 22 16:26:45 EST 2005

Dear Al and ASAC,

>From the responses so far, and the availability page on the wiki, it
appears that we will either meet in LA on Feb 4 and 5, or in Washington
on the 28/29 Jan.

My own intepretation differs from Al, in that I believe Feb 4/5 in LA
looks slightly preferred at this stage, though we have yet to contact
project personnel/JAO people to see if they could attend. 

Al: could you please find out which dates/locations ALMA personnel would
be prepared to attend?  Yourself, Tom Wilson, Darrel, Robert Laing,
Massimo, Tony, Brian G are the obvious key people for this get together.
Therw are probably others I have missed. 

It would in my view be preferable to decouple the two meetings, hence my
preference for Feb 4/5 in LA.

However, our Chair, Chris Wilson, is enjoying a much deserved vacation;
and we really need to know what she prefers before we make a decision.
This will probably have to wait until after Christmas now.

Yours in confusion, 


John Richer      
Astrophysics, Cavendish Laboratory, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE
http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~jsr  Tel: +44-1223-337246 Fax: +44-1223-354599  

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