[asac] delta ALMA Cost Review

John Richer jsr at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Wed Dec 21 11:35:48 EST 2005

Dear Al and ASAC members,

The Board works in mysterious ways.  Having just approved our meeting
for 28/29 January in LA, it looks like this really will not work for the
reasons Al gives.  Possible options seem to be:

1) Have our meeting anyway in LA on the 28/29th.

   Is this feasible? We would sorely miss any JAO/Project input. I think
   on the software charge we should be reasonably OK, perhaps we could
   aks Robert Lucas or someone else to deputise for Brian
   Glendenning. On the ACA charge, I would hope the Japanese
   presentations could be made anyway.  The hardest charge would be on
   imaging as this probably needs Al, unless Mark H could help

   In summary, this is not to be ruled out, but the report and its
   impact would be much weaker without JAO and IPT input. 

2) Meet in Washington on 28/29 Jan: 

   Al - is this feasible for the Project people?  It would then fall
   between the Delta Cost review and the NA review. 

3) Rearrange the date, still aiming for LA (?).  

   Looking at the matrix, 3/4 or 4/5 Feb look like the best dates for
   those who have filled in their availability.  

Given how close we are to Christmas, this is going to be very difficult
to organise.  However, I think we should at least try. If it's
impossible, we will have to go with option 1.

So, could everyone please mail in their preferred option, their time
constraints for the next week (3/4/5 Feb), and let me know if you have
bought a plane ticket which would be hard to change.

Al: could you give an indication if any JAO staff would be available the
weekend of 3/4/5 Feb? I note you are not available - is this still the

Best wishes to all,


John Richer      
Astrophysics, Cavendish Laboratory, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE
http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~jsr  Tel: +44-1223-337246 Fax: +44-1223-354599  

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