[asac]schedule for completing written report

Christine Wilson wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Tue Apr 8 16:27:04 EDT 2003

Hi, everyone,

Here is the schedule that we agreed on at the face-to-face meeting in 
Grenoble next week for completing our written report:

Monday, April 14: drafts of report sections due to Chris Wilson

Thursday, April 17: complete draft circulated by Chris

April 17-28: circulate comments on draft report; substantial comments to 
	the ASAC email list, please (not just to me)

Monday, April 28: telecon of ASAC to discuss draft report

Friday, May 2: final report sent to ALMA Board

This schedule is dictated by (a) my travel plans (observing, vacation, 
observing, ALMA Board from May 4-May 28) and (b) other people's 
availability around and immediately after the Easter weekend (April 
18-20). If the discussion April 28 shows that people need to see a 
revised report before it gets sent to the Board, we can probably do that, 
but I'd have to finalize the report while observing (which is not ideal).

The time of the telecon on April 28 is TBD, but will be near our usual 
time window. We just have to make sure we don't conflict with another 
weekly ALMA telecon.

Here are the sections of the report (tied to the charges) and who is 
responsible for sending me a first draft:

Calibration: Richer
Configuration: Mundy
Correlator: Bachiller
Front End: van Dishoeck
Software: Schilke
Inhomogeneous Array: Wilson
Intro, Conclusions, Executive Summary: Wilson

Thanks to Ewine for already sending me the draft of her section!


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