[asac]science examples for calibration review

Christine Wilson wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Wed Nov 13 12:15:44 EST 2002

Hi, everyone,

As we discussed in our telecon last week, one of the first tasks of the 
calibration group is to review the calibration requirements for ALMA (see 
text of draft Level 2 milestone below). This review is to include science 
examples and this is an area where the ASAC can provide useful input to 
the process.

I ask you all to try to come up with one example of science that will be 
done by ALMA. For examples of the types of things, you can have a look at 
the science examples in the stringency report from our last face-to-face 

Stephane will circulate a summary of the key calibration issues by email 
in the next day or so. If you can design a science example to exercise 
one of these specific issues (i.e. 1% calibration accuracy, total power
stability, etc.), that would be excellent. But even if your favorite 
science example doesn't seem particularly difficult for ALMA to achieve, 
please pass it on, as I think having a good range of science examples 
will be important for this exercise.

Please send your contributions to John Richer and me by 
Monday, December 2. 


Level 2 milestone: 
     Review of calibration requirements with science examples complete. 
     This includes: phase, amplitude, bandpass, polarization, antenna 
     location, illumination offset, pointing, focus, delay, opacity, 
     and decorrelation correction.   How and where and at what frequency 
     opacity is required to be measured at the site.


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