[asac] March ASAC Meeting - Hotel Booking

Tetsuo Hasegawa tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp
Wed Jan 16 07:22:57 EST 2002

Dear ASAC members,

As you know, the next ASAC face-to-face meeting will be held on March 19 - 
20 at the National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) headquarter in Mitaka. 
March 21 is a Japanese holiday, celebrating the equinox, and we will have a 
"ALMA Science Day" event at the National Museum of Emerging Science and 
Innovation located at the waterfront of Tokyo.

For the participants of the meeting, we have made a block reservation of 
hotel rooms near the JR Mitaka station.

Phone +81-422-36-0022, FAX +81-422-36-0020
Room rate JPY 9,000 per night (breakfast not included) + Tax
 From Narita, you can take JR Narita Express (NEX) to Tokyo (60 min), and 
change to JR Chuo Line to Mitaka (30 min).
The hotel is 5 min walk north from JR Mitaka station.  To get NAO, you can 
take a bus or taxi from the station.

ALMA-J office is happy to make the logistical support.  For this purpose, 
we would like to ask you about your plan for the Tokyo ASAC meeting. 
Please fill in the form below and send it to Ms. Sachiyo Ueshiba by 
February 4.

With best,

Tetsuo Hasegawa, ALMA-J Office

-------Please cut here and send by Monday, February 4 ----------

To: Ms. Sachiyo Ueshiba, ALMA-J Office
e-mail: sachiyo at nro.nao.ac.jp
FAX: +81-422-34-3764

Name (Family, First):

<<<Attendance of ASAC>>>
Do you plan to attend the ASAC meeting in Tokyo?
March 19: Yes/No/TBD
March 20: Yes/No/TBD
March 21: Yes/No/TBD

<<< Hotel Booking Request >>>
Do you need booking at Roynet Hotel Musashino?: Yes/No
Arrival Date and Approximate Time:
Departure Date:
Preference: smoking / non smoking (limited availability)
Tetsuo HASEGAWA, D. Sc.   <tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp>
ALMA-J Project Scientist
Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
Phone +81-422-34-3780 / FAX +81-422-34-3764

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