[asac] Draft ASAC report

ewine at strw.leidenuniv.nl ewine at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Oct 4 05:17:05 EDT 2001

Dear ASAC members,

Enclosed please find a postscript file with the first draft of the ASAC
report. It is based on the input sent to me by the various liaisons,
with an executive summary, introduction and summary section added.
Because of the different writing styles, I tried to homogenize the reports
somewhat, but some sections are clearly still written more compactly
(or in "bullet" style, e.g. the operations section) compared with
others. I also tried to remove text that covered non-ASAC issues and
added a specific ASAC recommendation after each section in case it was
not provided. Please check the wording of these carefully.

I copied all recommendations to the summary section and shortened
them slightly, but the list is still very long! Please let me know
whether we should focus these further, especially in the case of the
operations and software recommendations. In the executive summary, I tried to
highlight only the most important issues.

The text obviously still needs polishing and some appendices still need to
be added, but I would appreciate your comments on this draft as soon
as possible, in any case by October 9. The updated operations document
(Appendix C) follows in a separate e-mail.

The document on the enhancements, including the prioritization, will
follow early next week. You should also receive soon from Al Wootten
the draft minutes of the meeting (written by Peter Shaver, many thanks!).
Please read these also carefully.

With best regards,


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