[asac] ASAC Final Report

Neal J. Evans II nje at strw.strw.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Mar 29 05:26:19 EST 2000

Dear Colleagues,

The ASAC report is now in the (virtual) hands of Al and Stephane,
meaning it is on an ftp site where they can get it.

There were a number of last minute suggestions, which I have
now incorporated. Also, all the appendices are now part of the
document. If you want a copy of the really final version, here is
how to get it.

ftp lithium.strw.leidenuniv.nl
login as anonymous and give your email as password
cd pub/nje/asac

Then you can mget whatever you need. If you want the finished report,
all you need is report.ps. If you want to reformat, break it up
into pieces, etc., take report.tex and the figures that it calls in.

The following applies if you take the latex files.
1. The file uses the latest AAS style files, including LaTex2e.
If your institution has not upgraded to this, you can use the older Latex
by uncommenting the first line and commenting the second line.

2. You will need to run latex at least twice to get all the references to
sections correct.

Thanks again for the prompt submissions and timely suggestions.

See you at the next ASAC meeting,


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