[asac] IAU ALMA events to my knowledge.

Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU
Thu Aug 3 14:18:32 EDT 2000

ASAC meeting Monday

For those of you attending the IAU here are the ALMA related events which
have come to my attention.  If you know of others, please apprise us.
Agenda and phone numbers for Monday will follow this message when they are 
ready.  I have had no input on this.

Continuing: ALMA display (Rebecca Johnson) with pamphlets

Bryan Butler's poster presentation at IAU 202 7 - 11 Aug

9 Aug IAU 201 SZE imaging with ALMA - S. Myers

 "Observatory Reports"  - August 10, Manchester
Order and  allocation time (in minutes) may be changed.
Some other speakers are expected.

NRAO/VLA/VLBA           (15)          = Craig Walker
EVN/JIVE                (10)          = R. Schilizzi
Australia Obs           (10)          = R. Ekers   (to be confirmed)
GMRT                    (10)          = Ananthakrishnan
ALMA                    (10)          = Al Wootten
MERLIN/VLBI             (10)          = P. Diamond
NRAO/Green Bank         (10)          = P. Jewell
SMA                     (10)          = J. Moran         
Sub-mm Telescope Obs.   (10)          = T.L. Wilson
Sardinia Radio telescope(10)          = Padrielli/Feretti
Suffa Telescope         (10)          = Hojaev
Brasil Observatories    (10)          = Perre Kaufmann

A. Benz has 5 minutes at the Division II (Sun an Heliosphere) business meeting 
on Thusday, August 10th, 12:45-13:55, Roscoe Building, Room 3.2.

"I will present ALMA briefly and mention its solar capabilities. Then I will
call for a meeting of the people interested right after the business meeting
to discuss solar/stellar ALMA specifications and observing modes. This will
start around 14:00.

There seems to be little on stellar astronomy except S203, where I will
announce the discussion and invite stellar astronomers to the discussion on
ALMA specifications. The stellar specification do not seem to me very
demanding, except for outrigger antennas which seem to out of discussion. I
will talk to the early-type star people at Jodrell during my visit there and
see whether we could arrange a meeting.

Pulsar observations are more critical. I have written a letter to the
president of J. Moran for help, but not yet received an answer. I hope to
have some meeting in the second week of the GA."

Dave Wilner says:
" Kawabe-san will speak on ALMA at 
Joint Discussion 9 on Cold Gas and Dust at High Redshift at the 
IAU General Assembly, on August 14. Anyway, if we have any new 
ALMA pr materials, we might pass them along (kawabe at nro.nao.ac.jp).  
Also, there will some time for open discussion at 5 pm, so feel free 
to make your own brief contribution, if you'd like."

Members of Commission 40 will have received an email from Jim Moran with
details on the frequency allocations achieved by Gergely, Whiteoak and
others at the WRC.

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, Atacama Large Millimeter Array/US   |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
| (804)-296-0329 voice             Help us build The ALMA|        
| (804)-296-0278 FAX               {>    {>    {>    {>  |

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