[alma-config]Transporter concepts

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 7 15:32:32 EST 2002

Mel wrote:
"thanks for your detailed reply. What is the schedule for the antenna
design and construction;  would the schedule allow for  constructing and
load testing  one
or more stations before the transporter (and road) designs are
completed  -
to make sure there are no suprises ?"

We don't really know the detailed schedule and design for pads
until we select an antenna; I don't know the general schedule for pads 
yet but they will be built fairly soon I believe.  We do have pads at the 
VLA but they are prototype pads and different from the expected 
final design.  We should know the pad design by the time of the 
transporter contract in 2004 I would think.  Load testing would be an
important part of the pad testing, I agree; pads are a substantial
investment as are roads and transporter.

Clear skies,

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