[alma-config]ALMA Configuration Design Review

Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU
Thu Jan 10 17:02:16 EST 2002

To Configuration Group and Interested Parties

Details of the Configuration DR
    Date: January 24-25, 2002
    Location: Array Operations Center, NRAO, Socorro, N. M.

Pre-meeting telecon:
    According to my notes, to be held 15 January at 1445 UT, for the alma-config
      mailing list.  A strawman agenda will be discussed.

     Fly into Albuquerque.   It is about 70 miles, one hour, to Socorro.  See
To reach the AOC, you must either rent a car, or take a shuttle,
which is ~$50 each direction, to get from the airport
to Socorro.

     The CDR occurs just after the EVLA LO/IF PDR to be held 22-23 Jan, and
before the NSF review of AUI, to be held the following week.  We will
lodge visitors in the Visiting Scientist Quarters and local hotels.
Please let me know your plans for arrival and departure dates as soon as
possible, if you have not already.  Please contact 'nmreserv at aoc.nrao.edu' 
or go to http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/visitor.cgi
to make your lodging reservations.

Note that if you plan a Saturday night stayover, the ski areas
at Santa Fe (quite a charming town) are about an hour north of the airport
in Albuquerque.  If enough are interested in visiting the VLA, about an
hour west of Socorro, that may be arranged also.  You will not see much of
the ALMA prototype antenna at this early date.

2) I have had an indication of plans to attend from the following:
Checked against memory and notes but not original emails 1/7

Confirmed or intimated they were coming or someone else who should know
said they were coming
Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Leonia Kogan lkogan at nrao.edu
Steve Myers smyers at nrao.edu
John Conway John Conway <jconway at oso.chalmers.se>
Stephane Guilloteau "Stephane Guilloteau" <guillote at iram.fr>
Mark Holdaway mholdawa at nrao.edu
Jeff Kingsley, Antenna Division Head jkingsle at nrao.edu
Jeff Mangum,  jmangum at nrao.edu
Koh-Ichiro Morita  "Morita, Koh-Ichiro" <morita at nro.nao.ac.jp>
Simon Radford,  Site Division Head sradford at nrao.edu
Gie Han Tan, System engineering Gie Han Tan <ghtan at eso.org>
Adrian Webster
Angel Otarola
Al Wootten
David Woody
"Seiichi Sakamoto" <seiichi at nro.nao.ac.jp>
Mel Wright
Dick Sramek
Peter Gray
Tim Cornwell		
Brian Glendenning 
Craig Walker cwalker at nrao.edu
Tim Cornwell
Michael Rupen
Rick Perley
Crystal Brogan cbrogan at nrao.edu
confirmed not coming			
Dick Kurz <rkurz at eso.org>, 
"Jacob Baars" <jbaars at eso.org>,
"Robert Brown" <rbrown at NRAO.EDU>, 
"Marc Rafal" <mrafal at NRAO.EDU>,
Lee Mundy has SOFIA meeting 1/25
Not confirmed	
Frederic Gueth  Frederic Gueth <gueth at iram.fr>
Steven Heddle  "Steven Heddle" <steven at kw15.co.uk>
Jerome Pety <pety at iraux2.iram.fr>   
Francois Viallefond
Frederic Boone <frederic_boone at yahoo.fr>
Frazer Owen

Invited members / reviewers 
    Douglas Bock (unconfirmed)
    Mel Wright
    David Woody

3) Documents
      See Bryan Butler's compendium of recent memos, etc, attached.
        - Spiral concept (Conway) 
            See http://www.oso.chalmers.se/~jconway/ALMA/SIMULATIONS/
            John promises new material Monday... 
        - uv-metric concept (Boone)
        - Hybrid concept (Webster)

4) Goal of the meeting: select a baseline design to continue with detailed
implementation work ...
CDR Review Guidelines Version 2 - 98November09 P. J. Napier 
 The purpose of the CDR of an MMA Subsystem is principally to review 3 
(1) Are the detailed requirements for the subsystem complete and adequate? 
(2) Will the design selected for implementation on the test array meet the 
(3) Are interfaces to other subsystems defined adequately and completely? 
(4) Has adequate attention been given to the produceability and maintainability
     of the subsystem? 
Meeting organization and attendance to be the same as a PDR. MMA199901-0010

Actually, there are four, and we aren't MMA anymore but the rules have not
changed...I think that we should leave this meeting with one design and
one philosophy to guide iterative changes.  This design will then be passed to
engineers.  When we understand contraints imposed by the site construction
plan and iterate those into the design, the ALMA Configuration Design will
be complete.

Agenda of PDR:
Report of PDR:
If you have not done so, please send details of your plans to  
'nmreserv at aoc.nrao.edu' or go to http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/cgi-bin/visitor.cgi
to make your lodging reservations.  However, that information does not
come back to me for planning the agenda, so please cc: me as follows.
Could you please (1) confirm your participation as soon as possible, and 
(2) give me the following information before January 15:
Date of arrival :
Date of Departure :
Need for a single or double-room ?

Bryan Butler's list of relevant Memos, documents, etc:

 - memos

     memo 292
     A Possible Layout for a Spiral Zoom Array Incorporating Terrain Constraints
        John Conway; 03/00

     memo 296
     Fitting of the Largest Configuration (10 km) into the Terrain at the
        Chajnantor Site; Leonia Kogan; 03/00

     memo 297
     A study of the electromagnetic properties of the ideal Reuleaux triangle
        antenna array; Adrian Webster; (In Preparation) 

     memo 317
     Comparison of the antenna pointing error effect on the image quality for 
        two configurations and two source types; L. Kogan; 08/00

     memo 320
     Strawperson Donut/Doubling-Ring Configurations; M.S. Yun & L. Kogan; 08/00

     memo 338
     The Best Sites for the Compact ALMA Configuration
     Bryan Butler, Simon Radford, and Angel Otarola; 12/00

     memo 348
     A Preliminary ALMA Zoom Array Design for the Chanjnantor Site 
     John Conway; 02/01

     memo 353
     Investigation of Suppression of Sidelobes by Simple Displacement of
        Clustered Groups of Regularly Spaced Antennas; Steven Heddle; 03/01

     memo 354
     Choices of Antenna Size and Number for the Atacama Compact Array
        W.J. Welch; 03/01

     memo 355
     Design of the ALMA's Compact Configuration with the Road Design First
        L. Kogan; 03/01

     memo 364
     An Antenna Location Mask for Configuration Designs for ALMA
        Bryan J. Butler; 04/01

     memo 367
     ALMA Operational Model: The SSR Committee view 
        ALMA Science Software Requirements Committee; 05/01

     memo 368
     An Imaging Study for ACA; M.S. Yun; 05/01

     memo 374
     Wide Field Imagings with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array 
        K.-I. Morita; 05/01

     memo 375
     Coordinates of Roads, Pipelines, and Landmarks Near the ALMA Site
        Seiichi Sakamoto; 05/01

     memo 386
     ALMA+ACA Simulation Tool; J. Pety, F. Gueth and S. Guilloteau; 08/01

     memo 387
     ALMA+ACA Simulation Results; J. Pety, F. Gueth and S. Guilloteau; 08/01

     memos 389 & 390
     Radio Interferometer Array Point Spread Functions 
        I. Theory and Statistics 
        II. Evaluation and Optimization
        David Woody; 08/01

     memo 398
     Impact of ACA on the Wide-Field Imaging Capabilities of ALMA 
        J. Pety, F. Gueth and S. Guilloteau; 11/01

     memo 405
     Unaddressed Issues for ALMA Configurations; M.A. Holdaway; 01/02

 - 'strawman' arrays

   Leonia Kogan's compact configuration:

   John Conway's intermediate configurations:

   Adrian Webster's configurations:

   Frederic Boone's configurations:

 - others:

   Conway's description of our site visit in 2001dec:

   discussions on sampling theory:
         (and references therein)

   Interferometric array design: Optimizing the locations of the antenna pads
      F. Boone; A&A; v377; p368-376; 2001

   Exploring the performance of large-N radio astronomical arrays
      C.J. Lonsdale, S.S. Doeleman, R.J. Cappallo, J.N. Hewitt, A.R. Whitney
      Proc. SPIE v4015; p126-134; 2000

   Concept design for a low-frequency array
      J.D. Bregman; Proc. SPIE v4015; p19-32; 2000

   Hybrid Composite Zoom Designs for ALMA Antenna Station Layout
      A. Webster; in 'Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)'; 1999

   Interferometric Array Design
      M.A. Holdaway, T.T. Helfer; SIRA II, p. 537-562; 1999

   Cybernetic Design for Cross-Correlation Interferometers
      E. Keto; BAAS, v25, p1364, 1993

   ATA stuff:
     50-antenna sample configurations for the Allen Telescope Array 
        D. Bock; ATA Memo #15; 2000

     350-antenna sample configurations for the Allen Telescope Array 
        D. Bock; ATA Memo #21; 2001

     Configuration Choices for the Allen Telescope Array 
        D.C.-J. Bock, M.C.H. Wright, W.J. Welch and J. Tasman, poster 
        presented at the workshop "Technology Pathways to the Square 
        Kilometre Array", Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK, August 2000.

   CARMA stuff:
     get it from: http://www.astro.umd.edu/~lgm/CONFS/

others, from my list when i did the metrics write-up:

Ryle & Hewish, The Syntheis of Large Radio Telescopes, MNRAS, 1960

Harris, On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete
   Fourier Transform, Proc. IEEE, 66, 51-83, 1978

Mutel & Gaume, A Design Study for a Dedicated VLBI Array, 
   VLBA Memo 84, 1982

Walker, Fast Quality Measure, VLBA Memo 144, 1982

Cornwell, Quality Indicators for the MM Array, MMA Memo 18, 1984

Hjellming, The 90 meter Configuration of the Proposed NRAO mm Array,
   MMA Memo 30, 1985

Cornwell, Crystalline Antenna Arrays, MMA Memo 38, 1986

Holdaway, Imaging Characteristics of a Homogeneous Millimeter Array, 
   MMA Memo 61, 1990

Holdaway, Evaluating the MMA Compact Configuration Designs, 
   MMA Memo 81, 1992

Cornwell, Holdaway, & Uson, Radio-interferometric imaging of very large 
   objects: implications for array design, A&A, 271, 697-713, 1993

Holdaway, Foster, & Morita, Fitting a 12km Configuration on the 
   Chajnantor Site, MMA Memo 153, 1996

Holdaway, What Fourier Plane Coverage is Right for the MMA?, 
   MMA Memo 156, 1996

Keto, The Shapes of Cross-Correlation Interferometers, ApJ, 475, 
   843-852, 1997

Holdaway, Effects of Pointing Errors on Mosaic Images with 8m, 12m, and 
   15m Dishes, MMA Memo 178, 1997

Helfer & Holdaway, Design Concepts for Strawperson Antenna 
   Configurations for the MMA, MMA Memo 198, 1998

Holdaway, Hour Angle Ranges for Configuration Optimization, 
   MMA Memo 201, 1998

Wright, Image Fidelity, BIMA memo 73, 1999

there are a couple of more obscure references to Morita's work that I 
couldn't get proper references for or full copies of but which probably 
have relevant information:

Morita, Array Configuration of Large Radio Interferometers for 
   Astronomical Observations, National Astronomical Observatory, 
   NRO-TR-56, 1997

Morita, Ishiguro, & Holdaway, Array Configuration of the Large 
   Millimeter and Submillimeter Array (LMSA), URSI-GA, 1996

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