[alma-config]Re: Antena locations...

Simon Radford sradford at nrao.edu
Thu Nov 29 10:31:01 EST 2001


Thanks for contacting Villanueva and Eschway. December 9 and 10 will work well. 

It seems premature, however, to ask Villanueva to prepare maps, etc., because the configurations are still not finished. I'm concerned this will be wasted effort. We already have several topographic maps of the site. For this survey, let's proceed with
those maps and the coordinate lists. The configurations should be decided at the meeting in January. Then we can ask Villanueva for road maps. 

At this point, there are three (partially) competing configurations, named for their authors:

So far, we only have coordinates from Webster. Conway and Boone should circulate their coordinates before the start of the survey. 

The coordinates of the other landmarks will indeed be useful.

Because we will start the surveying before Villanueva arrives, we will need have the markers in San Pedro on December 5 (or before).

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