[alma-config]Telecon NOV-28 1445 UT

John Conway jconway at oso.chalmers.se
Wed Nov 28 09:01:59 EST 2001

The latest version of my design for the <4km part of ALMA
can be found 


This is just a snapshot of what I have now,
I'm still in the middle of optimising it via uv and beam 

For an intermediate array between this and the 14km 
ring - I'm looking into having a Y, one arm going 
North through the Chascon-Chajnantor pass, one south 
along the mine road (approximately marked in yellow) 
and the third arm being the Northern side of the 4km
Reuleaux triangle- not elegant but gives a useful 
array between 4km and 14km.  


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