[alma-config] Re: pointing error in UVCON

morita morita at nro.nao.ac.jp
Thu Jun 22 12:15:25 EDT 2000

Dear Leonia,

sorry for my slow reply!

> I used the new option of UVCON for one of the doughnut configuration using
> model of M51 given to me by John Conway.
> In this test I could not reproduce the result given at your memo (internet).
> I mean the decreasing of DR and FI in > 6times (for spiral)
> when pointing error is becoming 2.4% of the FWHM_PB.
> In my test the effect of the pointing error is not so dramatic.

Please let me know DR and FI of images without the pointing error.

RMS imaging error due to the pointing error is very small in 
my simulation but the deconvolution error due to limited (u,v)
coverage is also very small.  DR without the pointing error
is larger than 10,000.  In such case, the imaging error due to
the pointing error is comparable or larger than that due to 
the deconvolution error.


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