[alma-config] simulated imaging test

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Mon Jul 31 12:59:37 EDT 2000

> I believe its essential to have complex images with 4 or 5 pixels 
> per beam at each array tested and 100 - 200 beams across - as we
> agreed in Tuscon - for there to be any point to doing the C-array 
> simulations (which are most important becausue they are  a proxy in fact 
> for 3 different arrays B,C and D). 

Hey: 100 beams across, without mosaicing, is going to be like
100 * 12m := 1200m baselines.  Or 200 * 12m is 2400m baselines;
so this is NOT C array, is it?

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