Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Aceapprojectteam | List of ACEAP Project Team Members |
Agngroup | Weekly AGN discussion seminar at NRAO |
agnjetsclub | AGN, jets and Co. Journal Club SOC |
Algorithms | Data Processing Algorithm Forum |
Alma-config | ALMA configuration working group issues |
Alma-net | Network Co-ordination for ALMA/NRAO/ESO/JAO issues |
Almacal | ALMA Calibration Group |
Almanews | ALMA Project Announcements |
Almasci | ALMA Science IPT Mailing List |
Anasac | ALMA North American Science Advisory Committee |
Aocvisitors | registrations to visit AOC will go to this list |
Approvaldelegation | Approval authority delegation |
Arcr | Updated Approval Route Cross Reference |
Asac | ALMA Science Advisory Committee |
Astrochem | NRAO-UVa Astrochemistry Mailing List |
Audsetup | Auditorium AOC Setup |
Bananas | AIPS-related discussions |
beamformer | Discuss beamformer ATI proposal |
Budgetmanagers | NRAO Budget Managers, all sites |
Businessmanagers | NRAO Business Managers, all sites |
Casa-announce | Announcements relating to the CASA post-processing software |
casa-news | CASA Newsletter |
Casa-staff | Folks assigned to CASA who do the work |
Cce-unix | The Common Computing Environment For Unix Working Group |
Cce-win | The Common Computing Environment For Windows Working Group |
Cdlseniorstaff | CDL Senior Staff |
Cem | Computational Electromagnetics and Multi-Physics Modeling and Licenses |
Colloquia | Annoucement list for all colloquia and talks |
Comm | NRAO telecommunications coordination |
Commitauth | Committment Authority Distribution |
Cvgameclub | Announcement List for the CV Game Club |
cvgradstudents | Grad students sitting at NRAO-CV |
Cvrec | CV Rec Assn |
Cvss | Charlottesville Summer Students |
Cvssmentors | Charlottesville Summer Student Mentors |
Daip | This is the designated AIP list for AIPS support. |
Difx-developers | Developers of the DiFX Software Correlator |
Difx-users | Users of the DiFX Software Correlator |
Dms-leads | DMS Leads |
dms-ssa | Science Support Archive Team List |
Epo | EPO Staff List |
Escoordminutes | Minutes of the weekly ES Division Coord. Mtg. |
esm_internal | Internal use for NRAO-GBO Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Groups |
Evla-systems | EVLA Systems Group |
evlatests | EVLA Testing discussion |
Execadmins | ExecAD Assistants |
feic_na | FE ALMA Ops Service Group |
fitsbits | International FITS discussion list |
fitswcs | FITS World Coordinate System discussion list |
Fueltank | VLA group responsible for fuel tank |
Galgroup | Galaxy Discussion Group |
Gbelectronics | Green Bank Electronics Division |
Gbfitness | Announce planned fitness activities in GB. |
Gbipg | Green Bank Interference Protection Group |
GBNCC | Green Bank North Celestial Cap pulsar survey discussions and logistics |
GBO-OpsLog-Reports | Subscribers to this list will receive daily reports from the GBO Operators Log |
Gboyogaflow | GBO Yoga Class Notification |
Gbpartners | A list for GBO Employees' partners to stay informed of GBOERA events |
Gbradar | Green Bank Radar Support Group |
gbrec | GBO Rec Association Members non-board |
gbrecboard | Green Bank Recreation Association Board |
Gbretirees | A list for GBO Retirees who want to stay involved in GBO and GBOERA events. |
Gbrri | Green Bank - RRI pulsar project collaboration |
Gbsci | GB scientist info |
Gbss | Green Bank Summer Students |
gbtinfo | For dissemination of GBT related information |
gbtlocal | Circulate information about gbt operations to local staff. A replacement for gbt. |
Gbtobscom | People who receive observers comments reports |
gbtpipeline-announce | Announcements related to the Green Bank Telescope pipeline. |
gbvlb | Very Long Baseline at Green Bank |
Guppi | Mailing list for advanced pulsar machines |
HPC | High Performance Computing Mailing List |
Hvatum | Hein Hvatum Memorial VLA Century Ride |
Hvatum2013 | Hein Hvatum Memorial VLA Century Ride 2013 |
iaufwg | IAU FITS Working Group discussions |
Idataugmentors | [no description available] |
Irengr | Ivy Road Engineers |
Irsis | [no description available] |
Iss_speakers | List for coordination of speakers in the Internal Science Symposium |
Janskyfellows | Jansky Fellows |
Linuxastro | Linux in Astronomy |
mmaimcal | ALMA Imaging and Calibration |
Mnj | AIPS Midnight Job stuff |
MODEST | MOdeling DEnse STellar systems |
Movie_night | Mailing list for NM movie nights at the loma |
Msmrx | Millimeter Submillimeter Receivers Group |
NAASC | Scientific staff associated with the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) |
Newsletter | List of staff that submit articles to the NRAO Newsletter |
ngRADAR-info | General ngRADAR email to Project Office for website |
Ngvla-antenna | ngVLA Antenna IPT |
ngVLA-info | General ngVLA email to Project Office for website |
Ngvla-rfi | ngVLA radio frequency interference mitigation work group |
Ngvla-wp | ngvla work package leads and other key project staff |
ngVLA_Electronic_Systems | A mailing list for the ngVLA Electronic Systems IPT. |
Ngvla_ipt_leads | ngVLA IPT Leads |
Ngvla_mgt | ngVLA senior management team |
Ngvla_pmo | ngVLA Project Management Office |
Nmgradstudents | Grad students based in Socorro incl. UNM, NMT and NMSU affiliated students |
Nmipg | NM Interference Protection Group |
Nmss | Socorro Summer Students |
Nmssmentors | Socorro Summer Student Mentors |
Nmsymp | New Mexico Symposium |
Nrao_cv_hs_mentor | High school student mentor program coordination at Charlottesville |
Nraopostdocs | Jansky Fellow and NRAO/GBO Postdocs |
nraosoc-yoga | Socorro yoga class members |
Oryx | VLBA New Digital Architecture |
Radial-issues | Technical or scientific problems with RADIAL. |
Rfiwatch | A discussion group for all concerned with RFI & Spectrum Management issues |
Safety-NM | NM Safety Committee and safety issues |
Sage | Scientific Advisory Group to EVLA |
Scistaff | NRAO Scientific Staff (Observatory-wide) |
sddev | Single Dish Development |
Singledatabase | People working on the PST single sign and other database issues |
Siwannounce | Initial announcements of NRAO Sythesis Imaging Workshops |
SM2020 | Registrants for the 5th IUCAF Spectrum Management School |
Ssa-issues | Reporting of SSA software production issues |
STEM-EducationMatters | List to keep interested individuals informed of STEM education issues. |
Vegas | Discuss continued work on VEGAS |
Vla-opt-issues | To report VLA OPT issues that require immediate attention |
Vla-ost-issues | To report VLA OST scheduling tool issues that require immediate attention |
Vla-pipe-coord | VLA pipeline coordination |
Vla-pipe-users | Users of the VLA calibration pipeline |
Vla_site_techs | VLA Site Tech Team |
VLASS-galactic | VLASS discussion on Galatic plane/center |
Vlass-ssg | Members of the Science Survey Group of the VLA Sky Survey |
Vlass-swg | Science Working Group of the VLA Sky Survey |
Vlavlbausers | Announcement-only list for VLA and VLBA users |
Vlba_users | VLBA PST Users |
Vlbasoft | VLBA Software Group |
vlbatests | Testing of new VLBA capabilities |
vlbi | Announcements related to VLBI generally, and specifically to the VLBA |
Vlite-alert | VLITE System Maintenance Alerts |
Volunteer | EPO requestsopportunities for volunteering in CV, NM, and virtually |
Webcontent | NRAO official web content discussion list |
webdev | Web Developer Mailing List |
wfc | WGAS FITS Committee discussions |
Wfpa-develop | GBT WFPA Development Information |
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