[Vlavlbausers] EVLA Workshop - "The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic TIme"

Lori Appel lappel at nrao.edu
Tue Sep 9 13:13:52 EDT 2008

The EVLA Vision:  Galaxies through Cosmic Time

NRAO announces the first in a series of workshops for exploring the
wide range of science questions in which  the Expanded Very Large
Array (EVLA) will be a pivotal instrument.    We will bring together 
from across the electromagnetic spectrum to start exploring these

"The EVLA Vision:  Galaxies through Cosmic Time" will be held in Socorro,
New Mexico, on December 16 - 18, 2009.   Please see the web page
http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/galform/   for more details and 

Jacqueline van Gorkom for the Scientific Organizing Committee

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