Comments on NOST 100-1.2

John E. Davis davis at
Sat Jul 11 06:44:58 EDT 1998

On 8 Jul 1998 09:56:51 -0400, JENNINGS Don <Don.Jennings at>
>The desire for support of unsigned integers has, I believe,
>been expressed before. Fortuantely, there is a way to store
>unsigned integers in the current FITS standard using the
>BZERO (for primary arrays and IMAGEs) and TZEROn (for
>BINTABLEs) keywords. See the CFITSIO Users manual for more

I think that this hack should be done away with in favor of real
support for unsigned values.  About the only reason I can see for not
adding such support is that older readers may have problems reading
the files with unsigned values.  But that's life--- software must


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