Bryan will be discussing the following items. - PST. i will just mention this in passing - this is really the responsibility of E2E now, and claire has been negotiating with nicole on what we need. - OPT. we intend to support observations done in Ka-band this fall, how is this progressing and what comes after that? - OST. this has foundered since susan's departure; i'll present our current plan. - antenna MIBs & core of executor in good shape, though executor does need to be extended to include WIDAR (notably, delay model generation and communication needs to be there for PTC tests) - correlator specifics: . CMIBs in good shape . GUIs in good shape . "test executor" there to control things before the executor is ready to do so . VCI/MCCC in development . CBE in development + *finally* have a v.1 of the BDF (michael will probably talk more about this) . network design nearly final - MCAF under development - need micro-SDM definition, then mini-SDM, then full SDM. waiting on ALMA, but not forever. - TelCal will need significant modification. not necessary at all for PTC. will be needed for RSRO. - AAT. we will have an early version of this for the PTC, becoming more advanced through fall for the 10-station.