[Difx-users] A few surprises

Eskil Varenius eskil.varenius at chalmers.se
Mon Nov 30 05:17:21 EST 2020

Dear difx developers,
I have noted a few surprises which I would like to report:

- Compiling DiFX 2.6.1/2.6.2 with intel 2019 compiler, mpifxcorr runs 
but refuses to actually read any data. It just sits there, never 
starting the correlation. Using intel 2018 compiler instead, everything 
works nicely.

- Correlating mixed-polarisation data (antenna ON: R-pol, OE and OW: X/Y 
pol) delivers correlation products on the mixed circ/linear baselines 
(R-X and R-Y pol), but not on the linear/linear baselines (XX,XY,YX,YY). 
However, if I add zoomwindows - describing the same setup already in the 
VEX file, so no actual zooming - then I get also the linear polarisation 
products. (I know mixed-pol support is limited, but might as well note 
the behaviour.)

- "difx2mark4 --help" v1.6 does not say it needs .calc files, but seems 
it does. So documentation should be amended?

Kind regards

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