AIPS 1: RMFIT Fits polarization spectrum to Q/U cubes. AIPS 1: Adverbs Values Comments AIPS 1: ---------------------------------------------------------------- AIPS 1: INNAME 'Ep3_model11' Input Q image name (name) AIPS 1: INCLASS 'Qmodsr' Input Q image name (class) AIPS 1: INSEQ 1 Input Q image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: INDISK 1 Input Q image disk unit # AIPS 1: INVERS 0 RM table version number AIPS 1: IN2NAME 'Ep3_model11' Input U image name (name) AIPS 1: IN2CLASS 'Umodsr' Input U image name (class) AIPS 1: IN2SEQ 1 Input U image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: IN2DISK 1 Input U image disk unit # AIPS 1: IN3NAME ' ' Input I image name (name) AIPS 1: IN3CLASS ' ' Input I image name (class) AIPS 1: IN3SEQ 0 Input I image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: IN3DISK 0 Input I image disk unit # AIPS 1: IN4NAME 'Ep3_model11' FARS real image name (name) AIPS 1: IN4CLASS 'FARSam' FARS real image name (class) AIPS 1: IN4SEQ 1 FARS real image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: IN4DISK 1 FARS real image disk unit # AIPS 1: IN5NAME 'Ep3_model11' FARS imag image name (name) AIPS 1: IN5CLASS 'FARSph' FARS imag image name (class) AIPS 1: IN5SEQ 1 FARS imag image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: IN5DISK 1 FARS imag image disk unit # AIPS 1: OUTNAME 'Ep3_ngauss3' Output image name (name) AIPS 1: OUTSEQ 0 Output image name (seq. #) AIPS 1: OUTDISK 1 Output image disk unit #. AIPS 1: BLC *all 0 Bottom left corner of input AIPS 1: TRC *all 0 Top right corner of input AIPS 1: YINC 2 Do every YINCth row AIPS 1: ZINC 2 Do every ZINCth plane AIPS 1: PCUT 5.000E-05 Flux cutoff in total AIPS 1: polarization flux AIPS 1: ICUT 0 Flux cutoff in unpolarized I AIPS 1: DOOUTPUT 2 Write residual image: 1,3 AIPS 1: write parameter img: 2,3 AIPS 1: NITER 0 Max # fit iterations AIPS 1: 0 -> 100. AIPS 1: NGAUSS 3 Max number components AIPS 1: DOTV 2 TV is always used AIPS 1: 2 => TV for questions too AIPS 1: DOSPIX *all 0 1 => fit spectral index AIPS 1: 2,3,4 => fit thickness AIPS 1: else keep both at zero AIPS 1: RMSLIMIT 5.000E-05 Switch from automatic to AIPS 1: ** press RETURN for more, enter Q or next line to quit print ** # AIPS 1: interactive if rms > RMSLIMIT AIPS 1: DOWEIGHT 1 > 0 weighted solution AIPS 1: > 1.5 RMFIT finds weights AIPS 1: INFILE *all ' ' Text file with weights AIPS 1: BADDISK *all 0 Disk to avoid for scratch >go AIPS 1: Resumes AIPS 1: RETURN CODE 11 RECEIVED: STOPPING >dotv 1 >go AIPS 1: Resumes AIPS 1: RETURN CODE 11 RECEIVED: STOPPING