#!/bin/sh # Generic AIPS midnight job runner # un-comment next line to disable the job. # exit # . /home/users/torrelle/AIPS/LOGIN.SH >/dev/null 2>&1 $CDTST >/dev/null 2>&1 # # Assume this file is called 'something.hostname' # (to help in a multiple architecture installation) myname=`basename $0 | awk -F. '{print $2}'` [ "`$AIPS_ROOT/SETNAME`" = "$myname" ] || exit # # Get cvs in the path... # PATH=$PATH:/set/me/to/dir/where/cvs/is/found # export PATH # # uncomment to remove any old binaries if SAVE=TRUE... # (cd $LOAD; find . -name '*.EXE.OLD' -atime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;) # # Now do the MNJ cd $AIPS_VERSION/$ARCH/UPDATE # #uncomment the TST NEW line ONLY while 31DEC03 is still changing #(if you do, comment out the AIPSUPD TST line; you # do NOT want to run the darn thing twice) # ./AIPSUPD TST NEW ./AIPSUPD TST # exit