I've been asked to remind everyone about how WebEvent process "user" requests for room reservations. 1) ONLY the designated Webevent schedulers, i.e. those who Jeff Mangum has assigned a WebEvent administrator login, can actually MAKE a reservation. No event/room is actually reserved until one of the administrators has entered the reservation into the WebEvent database. No "guest" user can actually MAKE a reservation, that can only be done by an administrator. One consequence of this ... any reservation request, whether it's made through the "ADD EVENT" button on an individual calendar or through the NRAO custom web interface, still has to be approved by one of the WebEvent administrator group before it becomes an actual reservation. 2) There are TWO ways in which staff can send a REQUEST for a reservation to the administrator group. Both result in email being sent to the whole calendar administrator group, calendar@nrao.edu. A. The "ADD EVENT" button on an individual WebEvent calendar ============================================================ The gold "Add Event" button on an individual calendar allows a guest user to enter a REQUEST for just the room shown on that calendar. When a request is made this way, WebEvent creates a template reservation in its own internal format and also notifies all WebEvent administrators that there is a pending reservation request (a) by displaying an icon when any administrator logs in and (b) by sending an email from "WebEvent" to everyone in the calendar@nrao,edu mailing list. Nothing is actually reserved until an administrator approves that reservation request, but both the displayed icon and the email notify all administrators that a request is waiting for approval. The "ADD EVENT" button is specific to the calendar on which it appears, so users cannot request multi-room meeting reservations this way. B. NRAO custom web interface ============================ I maintain a web page at www.nrao.edu/internal/reserve.shtml that lets anyone enter requests for meeting reservations that require multiple rooms, together with the inter-site communication needs (phone hookups, video, etc) for their meeting. When a user fills in this form and presses its "Send Request" button, an email is sent to calendar@nrao.edu containing all the information they gave to describe their multi-room meeting needs, This email to calendar@nrao.eu also appears to be from the "name" that they filled out in the web form, rather than from "WebEvent". Just as with the "ADD EVENT" button, all they have done at this point is to REQUEST a reservation ... but in this case it can be for multiple rooms. It still needs an administrator to approve the request, using their Webevent administrator login to create a MULTI-CALENDAR reservation in WebEvent. (At the same time, you can check whether the necessary phone and video conferencing hubs are in fact available for the rooms that were requested.) WHICH REQUEST METHOD SHOULD PEOPLE USE? The main differences between the two ways of making these reservation REQUESTS are that the "ADD EVENT" button notifies all administrators both by the icon and by an email message that a request is awaiting approval (and it pre-formats the request as a WebEvent data entry screen). But it is also fundamentally tied to requesting only ONE room at a time. The NRAO web interface sits outside of WebEvent itself, so it cannot preformat the data entry page or activate the "pending request" icon. It just sends the email request to "calendar". WebEvent has no built-in way to process "ADD EVENT" requests for several rooms at once from a guest account ... that's why we had to come up with our own way for people to do that. If you see that someone's regularly making requests for just ONE room, i.e. for purely "local" meetings, then please encourage them to use the "ADD EVENT" button on that room's calendar for this purpose ... that will make it easier for you to process the requests and also to see that some unsatisfied requests are pending. WHY NOT MAKE IT ALL FULLY AUTOMATIC? Several people have asked this recently, and we will look out for such facilities in any successor to WebEvent but ... If we wanted everyone at the observatory to be able to automatically enter reservations in WebEvent, then we'd have to give EVERYONE a WebEvent administrator account and password (and then they'd be able to remove other requests, to book room combinations that conflict with other priorities or with the actual communications capabilities, etc.) That's an arrangement that would have its own problems, which I suspect would exceed those we have had with the current administrator group acting as "gatekeepers" for the room reservations.