From flo at Fri Dec 3 13:31:51 2004 From: flo at (Fred K. Y. Lo) Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 13:31:51 -0500 (EST) Subject: [Alma_na] please distribute the following to NA IPT leads Message-ID: Dear colleagues, As you may know, to address the remaining technical concerns for the antenna procurement, there is going to be further additional tests on the ALMA prototype antennas. The person coordinating the logistics for the tests will be Victor Gasho, and the testing will be carried out by a reconstituted AEG headed by Jeff Mangum, all in coordination with Dick Sramek as SE/SI IPT lead and overseeing the ATF. The tests will impact significantly the other work in ALMA, especially in the areas under the responsibiilty of the NA ALMA team. Because resolving the antenna procurement in as short a time scale as possible is imperative to the success of the ALMA project, the tests will take the highest priority in the next couple of months. However, we also need to document the additional incurred costs of the testing program, and the cost and schedule impact on the NA ALMA project by these tests. So, for those of you involved in the tests somehow (and I am sure Victor, Jeff or Dick) please make a list of such impacts and send them to Victor who will collate them for the NA ALMA Project. The Project Office will assess the impact and work out the details with the JAO. Thanks, KYL Fred K. Y. Lo _____________________________________________________________________________ Director and Senior Scientist National Radio Astronomy Observatory 520 Edgemont Road Charlottesville Phone: 434 296 0221 VA 22903 Fax: 434 296 0385 U. S. A. Web: