[Alma_na] NA DH Teleconference on Monday, 9th August

Janet Bauer jbauer at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 6 11:44:25 EDT 2004



The next NA DH Teleconference is on Monday, 9th August at it's new time
of 10:30 am ET, 14:30 UTC.  Dial in information is below.  If you cannot
attend, please let me know.


Aug 9

10:30 a.m. ET

14:30 UTC

ALMA NA DH Meeting 

Calendar: multiple cals
Audio/Video/Both/Local: Audio (434-295-1363)



As per the last teleconference, we need to focus discussion on the North
American responsibilities and issues.   Please use your JAO/IPT
Bi-Weekly Summary form to update the information provided in that form
relating to NA responsibilities - areas to include are: 




Performance / Milestone completion 

Please also include how much of actual vs. planned completion is
impacted by European deliverables.


Please provide me with your update no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, 6th
August so that the document can be distributed Friday for everyone to
read over the weekend.







Janet Bauer

NRAO - ALMA North American Project Office

2496 Old Ivy Road, Suite 226

Charlottesville, VA 22903


434.296.0296      (phone)

434.296.0255      (fax)

jbauer at nrao.edu <mailto:jbauer at nrao.edu>  (E-mail)


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