[alma_na] Announcement

Marc D. Rafal mrafal at nrao.edu
Mon Jan 27 08:55:32 EST 2003

To:       ALMA Project
From:     Marc Rafal, Dick Sramek
Subject:  Local Oscillator Development
Date:     6 November 2002
We are pleased to announce that John Payne has agreed to assume a new
position within the Systems IPT of Local Oscillator (LO) technical
leader.  Based on discussions with Fred Lo and the JAO, we have asked
John to develop a comprehensive plan to complete the development of the
LO that spans both the Back End and Front End IPTs.  John will work
within the existing IPT structure to coordinate the efforts to carry out
this plan through integration of a complete prototype LO system that
meets all ALMA requirements.  John will report regularly to the JAO on
progress and issues that may impact the LO schedule, cost or performance
of this critical ALMA subsystem.
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