[alma_na] ALMA Review for Fred Lo

Marc Rafal mrafal at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 12 14:50:36 EDT 2002

As I had mentioned earlier, Fred Lo requested that we hold a review shortly
after he started to bring him up to speed on the current status of ALMA. As
events have unfolded over the past couple of weeks, there have been changes
to how we will carry this out. In particular, with Fred's recent productive
visits to Tucson and Socorro and the separate review he has asked Darrel to
conduct, we will now limit the review in early October to the Frontend

We will hold this frontend review on 3-4 October here in Charlottesville.
I'll put together an agenda over the next few days, but the main purpose of
the review is to provide Fred with a fairly detailed understanding of where
we are and our plans for construction for the various frontend tasks
assigned to NRAO for Band 6, the baseline LO tasks (Warm Multiplier
assemblies, cold multipliers and LO Reference)  and the integration tasks in

In addition to the relavant CDL people, we will need at least Perfetto,
Payne, D'Addario and Shillue (Emerson will not be able to attend). Since the
LO Reference involves tasks now assigned to the Backend, Dick Sramek should
be here as well. Let me know if there are others you think should make the

Let Carolyn know your travel plans so she can arrange lodging.


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