[alma_na] Procurement Timing

Bill Porter bporter at nrao.edu
Wed Oct 9 09:32:11 EDT 2002

	As you are probably aware, any procurement which exceeds $250,000 must
be approved by NSF before it is placed with the vendor.  Pat Donahoe,
AUI VP, warned me yesterday that we now should expect an eight (8) week
turnaround on NSF approvals.
	Hence, I am appealing to you on two fronts.  First, please allow ample
time in your schedules if you have large dollar procurements.  Eight
weeks for NSF and a week on either end for in-house work adds up to
about 2 1/2 months (!).  Plan accordingly.
	Second, understand that if/when your large dollar purchases take 2 1/2
months in procurement, this is not an NRAO Purchasing Office failure. 
The time for NSF approvals is not something our buyers can control.  You
are responsible to allow the time in your schedules.
	My sincere hope is that this is a temporary aberration, and that NSF
approvals will return to a more reasonable length of time.  Stay tuned.

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