[alma_na] ALMA European Frontend Team Leader

Richard Kurz rkurz at eso.org
Mon Apr 15 10:11:49 EDT 2002

Dear Collegues,

I regret to inform you that Wolfgang Wild will step down as ALMA
Frontend IPT Leader/European Frontend Team Leader, effective 30 April
2002.  Wolfgang has accepted a position with SRON to work on the HIFI
space instrument.  Although it would be impossible for him in his new
position to devote the time and attention necessary for the ALMA
Frontend Leader job, he will continue to manage the NOVA work on Band 9
for ALMA.

As most of you know, Wolfgang with Charles Cunningham has been actively
organizing the frontend activities for the upcoming ALMA week.  Wolfgang
will definitely continue that function.

We plan to advertise for a new ALMA European Frontend Team Leader
immediately.  In the interim until the new Team Leader is selected, Gie
Han Tan at ESO will serve as European Frontend Team Leader while
continuing as System Engineering Team Leader.

I'm sure you all join me in expressing great  appreciation to Wolfgang
for the hard work he has put into the ALMA frontend and wishing him the
best in his new position.


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