[alma_na] Memo From AEC

Carolyn White cwhite at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 26 09:03:47 EST 2001

Memo to the ALMA Division Heads and Team Leaders:
Japanese Participation in the Baseline Bilateral ALMA Project

26 November 2001

In expectation that ALMA construction will be approved for year 2002 in
both the U.S. and Europe, the ACC has instructed us (the AEC) to develop a 
complete plan for construction and operation of the "baseline bilateral 
ALMA".  The baseline project is 64 antennas of 12m diameter and four 
receiving bands (bands 3, 6, 7, and 9).  The plan we are developing assigns 
the responsibility for all of the tasks of the baseline project to
either North America or Europe.  Once approved by the ACC, the scope, 
schedule and division of effort between the two partners is the project for 
which we are responsible.  There is no formal participation by
Japan in the tasks or management of the baseline bilateral project.

Meanwhile, NAOJ continues to work with their funding agency to secure
sufficient funds in 2002 to construct a prototype 12m antenna, and to secure 
approval to join the project in 2004.  It is clearly in our interest, and 
the interest of the community of ALMA users, to support the efforts in 
Japan.  But we have to find a way to provide that support that does not 
cause us to compromise or impede efforts on the baseline bilateral project. 
   Clearly there is the prospect for a conflict here.  We believe the 
conflict can be avoided if we take steps to assure that Japan is fully 
informed of the status, plans and progress of the baseline bilateral project,
but all these activities are wholly developed in North America and
Europe.  A few specific examples may serve to illustrate the approach being 

1. The ASAC will retain its Japanese representatives on the committee in
observer (non-voting) status;

2. Japanese representatives will be invited to attend as observers all
the ALMA design reviews (PDRs, CDRs);

3. If the Japanese prototype antenna is funded in 2002 the Japanese will
be invited to participate fully in the activities of the Antenna Evaluation 
Group (AEG);

4. The ALMA team leaders in Japan will be invited to participate as
observers in the monthly DH/TL teleconferences.

Unquestionably, this is an awkward situation now, and it will remain so
until the decision to fund ALMA construction is made in Japan.  However, the 
strongest argument that can be made in Japan to support a positive decision 
is that the initial baseline bilateral ALMA project is a success.  It is 
therefore in the interest of everyone that Europe and North America proceed
expeditiously on the baseline bilateral project and demonstrate early
that we have the ability to carry the project to a successful and 
satisfactory conclusion.

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